
Bitdefender should respect user instruction to eject media ...

2022年7月5日 — First let's talk about the motivation for the feature of scanning USB drives. I might be inserting a USB drive that had previously been plugged ...

Bitdefender Toolbox

Bitdefender Home Scanner. Download. Bitdefender Home Scanner looks for vulnerable devices and passwords, and offers detailed security recommendations for your ...

BitDefender USB Immunizer

2015年7月31日 — BitDefender USB Immunizer, free and safe download. BitDefender USB Immunizer latest version: Your USB drives free of self-executing viruses.

Create a Bitdefender Rescue USB ▷ Make Bootable

How to create a Bitdefender Rescue USB flash drive. Bitdefender Rescue CD is a free bootable Antivirus scanner that is based on Knoppix Linux and Gentoo ...

Device scan every time i put in my usb.

2022年8月1日 — My go+ never stay connected for more than 5 minuites. Anyone know why or got a fix? r ...

Faster USB drive auto scan

2023年11月15日 — Good morning, I suggest the option to have faster automatic scanning of USB drives.

How to exclude usb drive from a Managed Antivirus ...

2023年11月9日 — Go to Settings > Managed Antivirus > Protection Policy · Go to the policy you want and select Edit · Select the Scanning tab · Uncheck the option ...

Rescue Environment

Learn how to scan your computer for malware with Bitdefender Rescue Environment and eliminate infections without booting into Windows.


2022年6月8日 — Does anyone know if Bitdefender scans the USB-drive automatically when connected to the laptop? I do not see any activity.


2022年7月5日—Firstlet'stalkaboutthemotivationforthefeatureofscanningUSBdrives.ImightbeinsertingaUSBdrivethathadpreviouslybeenplugged ...,BitdefenderHomeScanner.Download.BitdefenderHomeScannerlooksforvulnerabledevicesandpasswords,andoffersdetailedsecurityrecommendationsforyour ...,2015年7月31日—BitDefenderUSBImmunizer,freeandsafedownload.BitDefenderUSBImmunizerlatestversion:YourUSBdrivesfreeofs...